
3D Printing Services: Expertise, Collaboration, Personalized Solutions, and Quality for Industrial Customers

At Materflow, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality, cost-effective, and sustainable 3D Printing Services for industrial clients. Our comprehensive 3D Printing Services include plastic 3D printing, metal 3D printing, prototypes, serial production, and 3D scanning. We differentiate ourselves through the following unique selling points:

Personalized Approach and Close Collaboration: In our 3D Printing Service, we believe that working closely with our customers is essential to achieve the best results. Our team is committed to understanding your unique needs and providing tailored 3D printing solutions that drive innovation and create maximum value.

Industry-Focused Expertise: Our experienced team possesses deep knowledge and understanding of various industries, enabling us to provide 3D Printing Services designed specifically for your requirements.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness: In our 3D Printing Service, we’re committed to using sustainable practices and materials, ensuring a reduced environmental impact and promoting a greener future.

High Accuracy, Mechanical Durability, and Quality: Our advanced 3D Printing Services and processes deliver products with exceptional precision, strength, and quality, ensuring long-lasting performance and meeting your most stringent requirements.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Our 3D Printing Service offers competitive pricing and efficient production methods, allowing you to reduce costs while maintaining high-quality results.

Scalability and Flexibility: Our 3D Printing Services cater to both small and large-scale projects, providing you the flexibility to scale up or down according to your requirements.

Commitment to Quality and Continuous Improvement: In our 3D Printing Service, we’re dedicated to maintaining high-quality standards and continuously improving our processes and services, always striving to exceed your expectations.

The 3D-Printing Experts

SLM 280 HL Timo Peltonen

Explore our range of services below and discover how partnering with us can support your projects through close collaboration, expertise, and a focus on quality:

Clean water at twice the efficiency


Outotec Product dev with 3D printing

Case Outotec:
Product dev with 3D printing

Product notes:
Production line spare parts

Design guidelines
for metal printing